Silo art puts town

07 Mar 2018 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) on map By Didier Stobart The Goorambat silo artwork is lighting up the town thanks to joint efforts from State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, Wall to Wall Festival Committee chair Roxanne Demasson and artist Jimmy DVate. The spectacular artwork is one of two silos that will be available for viewing in Goorambat, which will be the first town to reap the rewards of the Wall to Wall Festival expansion. Ms Symes has been instrumental in her backing of the festival this year, doing everything she could to get the $125 000 funding. I am thrilled to be supporting an amazing initiative, Ms Symes said. I grew up in Benalla, so I was really keen to get involved anyway that I could. The success of last years festival made it so much easier. I was able to show the benefits of the arts as well as the tourism it would generate in Benalla and Goorambat this year. I had the easy job. All the hard work is done by Roxy and the entire committee, and I am just happy I could help out with the funding. Im excited to enjoy the festival this year with my family. The population of 350 people in Goorambat has been supportive of the artwork and those involved, artist DVate has been overwhelmed by the support. The town has gone above and beyond with their support, DVate said. Its a really amazing small community and Im really honoured to be a part of it. This is my fourth year in the festival and this has been my favourite already. Its unbelievable just seeing the reaction from all the Goorambat locals and seeing what it means to them. The first silo artwork is almost complete, with the masterpiece a depiction of the Barking Owl Milli at the Healesville Sanctuary. Remarkably DVate is going off a single A4 paper to create the giant artwork. The second silo artwork will have an agricultural and native bush theme, showing local landmarks in Goorambat and capturing the local vibe. It will be a wheat-farming scene in fields with windmills and the artist cannot wait to get started on it. The silos can be found at 45 Hall Rd in Goorambat. There will be an agricultural viewing platform with events happening in the surrounding areas. Caption Text: Impressive: With the Wall to Wall Festival just days away, Goorambat is being lit up by magnificent artwork on its silo almost completed by artist Jimmy DVate . DVate, State Member for Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Roxy Demasson stand in front of the spectacular artwork on the Goorambat silo. Full story, page 3.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.