Small business experts heading to Mansfield

13 Apr 2016 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) SMALL businesses in the Mansfield area will be able to access relevant, reliable and affordable information on growing their business at a workshop to be held next Monday, April 18. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said last year more than 4000 people participated in Small Business Victorias workshops across the state. Program topics for 2016 include starting a business, financial management, employing staff, marketing and digital business. Ms Symes said this successful and long-running government program allows established and prospective business owners to access the advice they need to make informed decisions so they can expand their business and grow their profits. All Small Business Victoria workshops are delivered by experienced private sector business specialists skilled in developing and managing small businesses. With more than 530,000 located across the state, Victorian small businesses generate more than 30 per cent of the states goods and services and provide almost 50 per cent of jobs in our private sector. The Small Business workshops and seminars are a great opportunity for Mansfield business owners and operators to get reliable and affordable advice from the experts, Ms Symes said. With nearly 30 per cent of small businesses based in country Victoria, the Andrews Labor Government is committed to improving access to services that will help drive productivity and provide a fair and competitive business environment to grow the Mansfield economy. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and the Labor Government is committed to providing them with ongoing business support services, encouraging them to grow and create more local jobs. Small Business Victoria partners with over 40 host organisations to deliver more than 360 local workshops each year, with this workshop hosted by Mansfield Shire Council. The State Governments Marketing for Growth workshop will be held at Mansfield Shire Council Chambers, 33 Highett St, Mansfield, at 6pm on Monday, April 18. For more information and updates on this event or other available Small Business Victoria Workshops, please visit Copyright Agency licensed copy (