Sports Clubs for defibrillators

06 Dec 2017 Numurkah Leader, Numurkah VIC (General News) THE Andrews Labor Government has reopened applications for the De brillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program. We believe de brillators should be a standard piece of medical equipment at all sporting clubs to protect the players, volunteers and supporters, said St John Ambulance Victoria CEO Gordon Botwright. e 2015-16 Victorian State Budget set aside more than $2.5 million for Victorian sport and recreation clubs, a ording 1,000 de brillators. We understand that clubs struggle to raise the funds to purchase a de brillator, which is why programs such as this are vital for the community, said Gordon. Now in its fourth round, the program appeals to grassroots sport and recreation clubs in Northern Victoria to improve the safety of its members. Successful clubs will receive a defibrillator and first-aid training for their members. They will become equipped to plan for medical emergencies, ensuring players and spectators in cardiac arrest receive help until paramedics arrive on scene. In a life threatening situation every second counts and people in Northern Victoria deserve the best chance at surviving a sudden cardiac arrest, said Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. Ms Symes encourages clubs to get on-board this great opportunity. I urge all country sport and recreation clubs to consider applying for a de brillator through this fantastic program. e upper house member for Northern Victoria advised recipients to properly set up the device. If a club receives a de brillator, they should register with Ambulance Victoria to ensure the de brillator is correctly installed and relevant people trained to use it. Applications close December 22. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.