Strengthening student resilience program, North Central Review

WANDONG Primary School is one of 12 schools to receive funding under a new grants program that will measure and strengthen student resilience. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the schools approach will include the use of a specialist survey based on international research linking strong resilience to improved academic outcomes. There is extensive research proving that higher resilience leads to better educational and social outcomes so targeted, grass-roots projects such as these are vital for helping our students achieve their best at school, Ms Symes said. These initiatives will help schools identify the specific issues within their student populations and provide teachers with tailored professional learning opportunities to help address them. Building Resilience in School Communities grants will help students optimism, confidence, and social and emotional skills and create safer, more supportive school communities. Based on the findings of each survey, schools will be supported in the development of evidence-based approaches to help build student resilience and wellbeing. Tailored professional learning opportunities will also be available to teaching staff. Schools were selected for funding based on their capacity to deliver a whole-ofschool approach to student and staff wellbeing, the level of need among their student population and their ability to support ongoing and sustainable improvements beyond the life of the grant program. Support will be provided to schools to help measure the effectiveness of their strategies and interventions in a years time. Building Resilience online will assist Wandong Primary school to easily access programs, tools and resources designed to enhance the resilience of children and young people. The portal contains resources to guide schools in supporting all students, as well as advice on appropriate referral pathways for students requiring specialist assessment or intervention.