Students faring well in the new school year

22 Dec 2015 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) FAMILIES accessing the School Bus Program across the local district are set to save hundreds of dollars a year in student bus fares, Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes announced last week. Ms Symes said that the complicated system of bus fares affecting thousands of families in regional Victoria will have a single fare for travel. Currently, students not attending their closest government or non-government denominational school pay annual bus fares ranging from $480 to $1240, depending on the distance travelled. From 2016, depending on circumstances, families could save $80 to $760 per annum. The medium rate for the reduction in travel will be $480 per annum. This reduction in fares will enable greater choice in selecting schools and transport options for families and lighten the workload on school administrators. Ms Symes said the fare reduction is a result of the Andrews Labor Government listening to feedback from families and schools regarding the old complicated ticketing system. The reduction of bus fares will be welcomed by thousands of families across country Victoria, Ms Symes said. Not only will it save many of them money, it will allow more families to access the School Bus Program to get to and from school. Were investing almost $4 billion to make Victoria the Education State, so every community has access to great local schools and every child gets the chance to succeed. The improvements announced do not affect families eligible for free bus travel. Contact your school in the New Year to find out more about the annual bus fares. Copyright Agency licensed copy (