Summer programs can now continue

06 Dec 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) SPORTS FUNDING The Benalla Bowls Club, Violet Town Bowls Club, and Benalla Hockey Association have all benefited from funding for continuing summer programs. Sporting clubs in Northern Victoria will share in more than $30 000 in funding to secure new equipment, provide instructor training and for uniforms. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the Active Club Grants funding will help local clubs grow, with some now able to field a womens and girls team or host a social competition for the first time. We are supporting locals to get active and embrace a healthy lifestyle, no matter what age, gender or ability, Ms Symes said. This funding will help local clubs with new competitions, modified sports to encourage more competitors, social events, and purchasing new uniforms. Womens sport is increasingly popular and these grants will help local clubs field new womens and girls teams. Non-traditional, social and modified sports are also becoming an increasingly popular choice, and some of the successful clubs will deliver creative and flexible sports programs to help locals fit exercise into their busy daily routines. Local grant recipients are: Violet Town Bowls Club, $2737: Violet Town Bowls Club will start barefoot bowls at the club on Thursday evenings in summer, to give every member of the community a chance to play lawn bowls. Benalla Bowls Club, $2727: Benalla Bowling Club will run social participation programs including Jack Attack and barefoot bowls, which complements existing all abilities program and school programs. Benalla Hockey Association, $2487: Benalla Hockey Association will introduce social twilight hockey during summer in Benalla, including weeknight games to free up weekends. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.