Swanpool Bowls Club receive $2970

04 Jul 2018 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) AMONG the Northern Victoria sporting clubs who received a share of more than $370,000 as part of the latest round of VicHealths Active Club grants was Swanpool Bowling Club. VicHealths Active Club grants is an initiative to encourage more Victorians to get physically active, which builds on the momentum generated by VicHealths successful This Girl Can Victoria campaign. The new funding will help local sports clubs across Victoria deliver more opportunities for women and girls to get active. With their grant of $2970, Swanpool Bowling Club is looking to grow their modified lawn bowls program, which is a shorter competition for women, children and older people. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said the local grants will make a significant difference to clubs and help more residents get involved in community sport. We want to support locals to get active and embrace a healthy lifestyle, no matter what age, gender or ability, Ms Symes said. With these Active Club grants, local sports clubs will be able to deliver a wider range of opportunities for everyone to get active, regardless of ability. Grassroots sports clubs are at the heart of our community so I welcome this new funding that will make it easier for people to be active. VicHealth chief executive officer Jerril Rechter said the grants will help more Northern Victoria residents to make physical activity part of their day-to-day life. This program is about supporting Victorias grassroots sports clubs to provide a wider range of opportunities for more of the community to get involved in, Ms Rechter said.