Tears of joy over death bill

23 Nov 2017 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) by Anthony Bunn THE legalisation of euthanasia in Victoria shows the states MPs have caught up with the public, a Labor MP for the North East believes. Jaclyn Symes was speaking after sitting through a 28-hour session in the Upper House which ended with a 22-18 conscience vote for voluntary assisted dying. I think weve caught up, she said. I think 80 per cent of the public are supportive of a form of voluntary assisted dying for those that are terminally ill and close to death. We had a 22-18 result today and a stronger vote in the Assembly and I think this bill getting up reflects community sentiment. The bill will now return to the Lower House next week for final ratification with euthanasia to be legal in Victoria from mid-2019. From midday Tuesday, when debate began, Ms Symes as a whip had been in the chamber offering advice on proposed amendments to MPs supporting euthanasia. Ive missed no more than five minutes over the past 28 hours, she said. Today was pretty emotional at the end, we got it together for the vote, but as soon as we realised it had passed it hit home. I cant stop crying. I think there are a lot of people that feel the same waybut more importantly those that have got an illness thats got them in decline they can take comfort that this law will exist. Member for Benambra Bill Tilley, who voted against the bill in the Legislative Assembly, was disappointed by yesterdays vote. On an ethical and a moral position I dont support it and continue not to support it, but I can empathise with those that do, he said. Im of the view that theres no reason why anyone should be dying painfully. I have been given assurances by medical authorities and experts that theres no need for a person to be dying painfully with the drugs weve got, so I dont accept that part of the argument. Mr Tilley said he also continued to have concerns about the type of poison that would be offered to euthanasia candidates. More coverage: P9 Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.