Tracking well

22 Feb 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) by Alison OConnor $1.2M funding to upgrade training track Seymour Racing Clubs long awaited training track is finally a reality. The existing synthetic training track is well passed its use-by date, but the track will soon be in top condition all year round, thanks to the $1.2 million funding package from the Victorian Government. The current training track was put in 13 years ago and it was only supposed to last six or seven years, so its done pretty well, Seymour Racing Club chief executive Penny Reeve said. Its well and truly at the end of its life, its just not up to a suitable standard anymore. Weve added more material to it over the years to try and draw out its life, but its beyond that now and it just needs to be replaced. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the Victorian Government will contribute $600 000 towards the project through the Victorian Racing Industry Fund (VRIF), while Racing Victoria will provide $420 000 and the Seymour Racing Club will contribute $180 000. The upgrade will include stripping the existing surface, improving the base and drainage systems and the replacement of some running rails, while a new automatic irrigation system will also be installed. At the moment its what they term a synthetic track, so its sand, fibre and wax all mixed together, Ms Reeve said. The new track will just be fibre and sand, and an irrigation system will be set up on it to keep it at a moist level. With the current track, the wax breaks down over time and you need to put more wax on which is very costly, where as the new track will rely on water to maintain its surface. The new track will also be made slightly longer to allow for a more sweeping bend at one end, in contrast to the current tight bend that horses and trainers have to deal with. Around 38 trainers and about 100 horses are trained at the track each day. Our trainers will still be able to use our other sand tracks in the meantime, but there will be considerable disruption because drainage needs to be put in for the new track, which will go across the other two tracks, Ms Reeve said. But the end result is we will have a whiz-bang track right here in Seymour. They have the same track at Mornington and trainers really like it. Ms Reeve said the club was thrilled to be a beneficiary of yet another injection of funds. Seymour Racing Clubs grass track recently under went a $5.5 million makeover, thanks to VRIF. We have been waiting for VRIF funding from the Government and were so thrilled it has come, she said. VRIF funding is just the best thing for race clubs, it means we can actually do things, and were so thankful for it. Ms Symes said the latest announcement was another important improvement to Seymour Racecourse. (The racecourse) has been undergoing a $6 million redevelopment over the past 16 months with support from the Andrews Labor Government, she said. We are pleased to support the new training track, which will greatly enhance the facilities at this vital country training venue. Work is expected to begin in April, and should take around 10 weeks to complete. Caption Text: Upgrade: Seymour Racing Club chief executive Penny Reeve was thrilled with this weeks funding announcement, which will see a new training track installed at the venue. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.