Urgent care centre upgrade

25 Apr 2018 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) by Gus McCubbing Seymour Health has received a $1.6 million funding boost to redevelop the hospitals urgent care facility. Health Minister Jill Hennessy said the makeover would improve the reliability of infrastructure and create a bigger and more efficient space for doctors and nurses to meet increasing demand for local urgent care services. As part of the project, the hospital entrance will also be remodelled to improve access and comfort for patients in the waiting area. Seymour Health chief executive officer Chris McDonnell said the funding commitment would enable the hospital to address some major ongoing concerns. More than four people really makes that space a little crowded, theres a lack of privacy and theres a lack of good triage to place people elsewhere, he said. The functionality of the place hasnt worked for the volume we provide, so its a really welcome addition it provides good care for patients and safety for staff, for a really busy service that hasnt been functional for a long time. Weve tried within the existing footprint to do things and make it better but it really needed a structural response to make it completely integrated with the rest of our service. So I think in terms of the public profile, it will give people confidence that they can come in and know where to go, or be directed where to go properly. Also the areas will be much better staffed on a much longer basis, because well consolidate some of the reception areas. Mr McDonnell said he estimated the project would be completed within 12 to 14 months. We see Seymour Health as an important part of strengthening the community, and now were going to have a fantastic urgent care centre, he said. Seymour Health clinical services director Jo Cavill said the improvements would enhance patient flow and the basic logistics of how the department operates. Access to the urgent care department will be more obvious and more defined, which will be advantageous after-hours, because thats the only entrance for people into that safe area, she said. Caption Text: Above: Cindy Newman, Mary Turner, Leanne Hawkey, Jacqui Daw, Karla Washington, Jane Scully, Janet OConnor, Ash Ludeman, Kelly Christensen, and Jo Cavill. Right: Seymour Health chairperson Annie FletcherNicholls (left) and chief executive officer Chris McDonnell (right) with Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Health Minister Jill Hennessy.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.