Walk for suicide on Sunday

20 Feb 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) THE community Is invited lo join ihe Mllchell Shire Suicide Prevenllon Network (MSSPN) and Us supporlers al the Kllmore Racecourse on Sunday, February 25 Irom 9.30am lo join In a walk lo raise ihe awareness of suicide and Us prevention. This a family frlendlyevenl-freewllh waler and sausage sizzle provided. The day will be an opportunity to walk together, to talk together and to support each other and to see how the professional services, the community groups, and Individual relationships are complementary and together can form a community safely net through which nobody need fall. The walk will be launched at 10am by Rob Mllchell MP and by Phil Clancy, Chairman of the MSSPN. Others In the launch party will Steph Ryan, State Member for Euroa, Jaclyn Symes, Slate Member for Northern Victoria, together with Mayor Rhonda Sanderson, councillors and representatives of groups throughout Mllchell Shire. Since Inception the members of the MSSPN have been working to find the most effective means of publicly addressing ihe Increasing problem of suicide In our community.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.