Wallan on a new roll

14 Mar 2017 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) WALLAN Bowling Club celebrated the official opening of its long awaited new synthetic green with a cavalcade of officials at the club on Thursday, March 2. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, Member for Yan Yean, Danielle Green and Mitchell Shire councillors Mayor Rhonda Sanderson, Cr Bob Cornish and Cr Rob Eldridge joined with dignitaries from Bowls Australia and Bowls Victoria and a great number of club members to celebrate the completion of the project. The upgrade to existing facilities saw one of the former grass greens ripped up in November 2016 and replaced with an all-weather, hardy artificial service. This new synthetic green will allow Wallan Bowling Club to play year round and reduce the clubs costs as it is more durable, easy to maintain and does not require watering. The upgrade was made possible by a $100,000 grant from the state governments Community Sports Infrastructure Fund, which is helping communities all over Victoria update tired grounds and build the facilities they need. NEWSWallan Bowling Club president, Geoff Symons thanked the state government and the Wallan and District Community Bank which contributed $14,000 to the project, for making it all possible. Wallan Bowling Club is a true community club who arent afraid of hard work to improve their facilities for members, Ms Symes said. This club brings people together, and this new green will give even more locals the opportunity to have a roll and get active no matter what the season. There is something special about bowls clubs. Wallan have celebrated every little milestone along the way in this project as a community, together. It is wonderful to be involved. Grassroots clubs are the heart and soul of local towns and the Wallan Bowling Club is no exception, Ms Green said. Club members now have a high quality green they can be proud of and use all year round, rain, hail or shine. The green now matches the fantastic social facilities here. I congratulate all members on the hard work they have put in hands on to this project and the dedication and persistence they have shown to the task in getting funding and having their needs recognised. Wallan and District Community Bank, manager Tracy Charry thanked Ms Symes and Ms Green for their assistance with the project and congratulated the club on all their hard work. Caption Text: Official duties: happy to take part in the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the new rink at Wallan Bowling Club were (from left) Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, club president Geoff Symons, member for Yan Yean Danielle Green, Wallan and District Community Bank branch manager, Tracey Charry and club secretary Kerry Page. Great turn out: on hand to celebrate the opening of the new green were guests from Mitchell Shire Council, Bowls Australia, Bowls Victoria and local bowling associations as well as club members. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.