Wangaratta youth news

15 Apr 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) HELLO Wangaratta. We are your Youth Council. Made up of 12 local youth to discuss youth issues in the community, we also help run and organise community events best for you. Speaking of events we have our National Youth Week which has been running since April 8 and ends on Sunday. National Youth Week is a celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 throughout Australia. And to celebrate, the Youth Council has planned big for Wangarattas youth this afternoon from 5pm into the evening, with a parade down to Apex Park with stalls and local music to benefit you, and to have a great time mixing with Wangarattas youth. Youth Mayor Ash Fitzpatrick ON Youth Council we attended the Youth Politics camp 2016 at Howmans Gap Alpine Centre from Friday to Sunday, March 4 to 6. On Friday night we had a panel of young leaders who shared their leadership experiences with us. On Saturday we did several workshops and activities including the structure of the Australian political system, circles of influence, how to get our point of view across, the power of social media and the vertical challenge. We also had Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) talk to us about how she became involved in politics and how young people can get involved. On Sunday we talked about gender equality and diversity and ethics. We discussed questions like should there be a death penalty? We also spoke to a panel comprising our local federal member Cathy McGowan (MHR, Indi), and other candidates running in the federal seat of Indi in this years election, namely Jenny OConnor (Greens), Eric Kerr (Labor), Alan Lappin (Independent) and Dr Julian Fidge (Australian Country Party). Youth councillor Jessica Lewis Copyright Agency licensed copy (