Winton round a great success

23 May 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) THE action at Winton over the weekend was an outstanding success with new lap records set, the new track surface performing brilliantly and up to 80,000 people flocking to the venue. Winton V8 Supercar racing has been a major event on the calendar of motorsport enthusiasts for many years. Although there have been some dramas with track surfacing in the past, circuit upgrades to the tune of $3.35 million have taken the venue to a new level. The State Labor Government should be commended for injecting $1 million towards these upgrade. Sport of all descriptions is the heart and soul of particularly regional areas and to have elite racing of this calibre in the North East is a boon for the region. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said the event over the weekend was expected to boost the economy by up to $10 million. In Wangaratta this was expected to be up to $450,000.