Workshop to help small businesses skill up

11 Apr 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) SMALL businesses in the Wangaratta area will be able to access relevant, reliable and affordable information on growing their business at a Starting Your Business Right workshop tomorrow. The workshops is being hosted by the Rural City of Wangaratta in Ovens Street, from 4pm, and is part of a series of workshops organised by Small Business Victoria. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said last year more than 4000 people participated in workshops across the state. The Small Business workshops and seminars are a great opportunity for Wangaratta business owners and operators to get reliable and affordable advice from the experts, she said. With nearly 30 per cent of small businesses based in country Victoria, the Andrews Labor Government is committed to improving access to services that will help drive productivity and provide a fair and competitive business environment to grow the Wangaratta economy. Copyright Agency licensed copy (