The Allan Labor Government's landmark $5.3 billion Big Housing Build will deliver more than 45 new social and affordable homes and a new master plan for the broader Benalla West neighbourhood – as part of our plan to deliver more housing across regional Victoria.

Member for Northern Victoria Region Jaclyn Symes today visited the Benalla West Stage One Project - an investment of $30 million, providing new homes and upgrades to open spaces in the neighbourhood.

The project will see the demolition of 21 old dwellings that are no longer fit for purpose to allow the construction of the new state-of-the-art homes.

The new homes will be modern, comfortable, and environmentally sustainable, located around Waminda Park, transport, schools and services, and uplift the quality of housing and public spaces in the Benalla West area.

Construction of new homes is expected to start in 2025 and generate more than 270 jobs. Residents who need to move during the works will be fully supported by Homes Victoria throughout the process and will be the first to be offered homes at the newly redeveloped property.

The draft master plan for the area outlines a long-term vision to make Benalla West a better place to live - featuring more new homes, as well as upgraded, safer and greener public open spaces, with new play facilities for children and more trees.

New streets and pedestrian paths will also be delivered improving connectivity in the neighbourhood.

The local community and stakeholders will play an important role in helping to shape the master plan for the neighbourhood and ensure the project delivers the best possible outcomes. Further community consultation opportunities will take place in the coming weeks.

Since the Big Housing Build started in November 2020, more than 7,600 homes have been completed or are underway - with more than 3,000 households either moved in or are getting ready to move into brand new homes.

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Region Jaclyn Symes

“I’m proud to be part of a government that has made housing a priority, this investment will deliver additional quality, modern homes to an area of Benalla that deserves this uplift.”

Quote attributable to the Minister for Housing Harriet Shing

“We know more needs to be done at Benalla West, which is why we are building more homes for people who need them and working towards a future vision for the neighbourhood.”