More children and families in Broadford now benefit from additional kindergarten places thanks to a $1.76 million Allan Labor Government investment.


Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes officially opened the new kindergarten room today at Mt Piper Broadford Family and Children’s Centre, which has increased capacity by up to 59 additional free kindergarten places, bringing its total capacity up to 171 thanks to Building Blocks Capacity Grants funding.


The grant also helped deliver expanded Maternal and Child Health Services, a new meeting room for early childhood and family services, a new facility entry with a large accessible foyer and additional car parks at the centre, which is managed by Mitchell Shire Council.


The Building Blocks Capacity Grants support Victoria’s early learning sector to build new facilities and expand existing infrastructure, to create additional free kindergarten places for three and four-year-olds.


Since Building Blocks was launched in 2020, the Victorian Government has invested more than $235 million in planning, building and upgrading early childhood services across the state to support the delivery of 15 hours of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten each week by 2029 and 30 hours of Pre-Prep each week by 2032.


The government’s nation-leading $14 billion Best Start, Best Life reforms are transforming early childhood education to help children thrive, save families money and support parents – especially women – to return to work or study.


For more information, visit


Quotes attributable to Minister for Children Lizzie Blandthorn


“Our commitment to early learning is delivering real benefits for families in Broadford, with more kinder places and better facilities to support children and their families.”


“Our early learning reforms will make the sector bigger, better and fairer and gives all Victorian children the best start in life.”


Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“The Allan Labor Government is investing in Broadford’s future, providing families with the quality early learning spaces and services that will set their children on the path to success.”


“Families in Broadford now have access to even more kinder places close to home and at a centre that delivers quality early childhood education and services for families.”